School Bus Ridership Program

Kindergarten & Pre-School

Scanned at 10-05-2010 19-51 PM


The Kindergarten & Pre-School program is interactive and hands on. This program is geared directly to the age and maturity level of the Kindergarten & Pre-School student.

The program is divided into three segments:

  1. In the classroom
  2. Outside on and around the bus
  3. Centre time


The program will start off in the familiar setting of the classroom. A very lively puppet will introduce the students to the program. Basic school bus safety rules are discussed using brightly coloured story boards. A game of "Bus Driver Says" allows the students a break to stretch. A toy School Bus will be used to demonstrate the danger zone and to imitate proper behaviour while waiting and boarding the School Bus. Bertram a school bus puppet will be use to review the school bus rules.


Students will walk around the Danger Zone then board the bus. While on board the emergency exits and equipment will be pointed out. An emergency evacuation drill will be explained in age appropriate detail before the students participate in the evacuation. It is necessary for the teachers to participate in assisting with the emergency evacuation.





Safely on Board will provide centres for the Kindergarten & Pre-School class to be used as a follow-up to the program.


  1. Toy Centre - 18 toy School Buses & 64 toy people.
  2. School Bus Centre - 3 large tent School Buses
  3. Quiet Centre - 5 School Bus puzzles, books and school bus hand puppets.
  4. Craft Centre - cutting, pasting and colouring school bus pictures.
  5. Paint Centre - paint and rubber stamps of school buses, cars and children to create a picture of the danger zone.


Safely on board requires 90 minute to complete the program.

-      40 to 45 minutes in the classroom

-      5 to 10 minutes for the students to dress and bathroom break

-      40 to 45 minutes for the School Bus evacuation drill

-      Centre time is left up to the teacher

Bus Safety Presentation (9)

Underlying Philosophy

It is important to note that of all School Bus safety related mishaps, there is a higher rate involving students under the age of 7 than any other age group. Safely on Board is pleased to offer this interactive safety event to your school. It is the goal of this event to start young students off on the right foot.


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